Indoor LED installation

Steelers Sports Bar Update

Read about how we created a flexible indoor LED display solution that can show live sports and promotions.

Steelers Bar Logo

Client Profile

Steelers Sports Bar, located in Sheffield, is a premier destination for sports enthusiasts, offering a vibrant and engaging atmosphere for watching live sports events. Known for its multiple large format screens and excellent service, Steelers Sports Bar attracts a diverse crowd of sports fans eager to enjoy their favourite games in a lively setting.

The Challenge

Steelers Sports Bar sought to further enhance the viewing experience for their patrons by adding another large format LED screen to their existing array of screens. The challenge was to integrate this new screen seamlessly into the current setup, ensuring all content could be controlled easily and efficiently. The existing screens were already controlled via an iPad using a WyreStorm HDbaseT system, and the new installation needed to be compatible with this system.

The main objectives for Steelers Sports Bar were:

To install an additional large format LED screen that would enhance the viewing experience for customers.

To ensure the new screen could be easily controlled along with the existing screens using the current WyreStorm HDbaseT system and iPad interface.

To achieve a seamless integration with the current setup, maintaining high-quality visuals and synchronised content delivery.

Steelers Bar

The new screen enhances the viewing experience for patrons, providing vibrant, high-quality visuals controlled easily through the existing WyreStorm HDbaseT system and iPad interface

Steelers Bar


To enhance the viewing experience at Steelers Sports Bar, a high-definition, large format LED screen was installed to complement the existing screens.

This new addition was integrated with the bar's current WyreStorm HDbaseT system, enabling control from the same iPad interface used for the existing screens. This integration ensured both high-quality visuals and ease of operation, maintaining the bar's high standards in customer service and technology.


The project implementation involved several key steps:

Design and Planning: Detailed designs were created to ensure the new LED screen would replace the existing projector and improve the viewing experience. With the European championships approaching, coordination with Steelers Sports Bar management was essential to ensure the installation would cause minimal disruption and be ready in time.

Installation: The new large format LED screen was installed in a strategic location to maximise visibility and impact. Careful attention was paid to ensure the mounting and alignment matched the existing screens.

Integration: The new screen was integrated into the existing WyreStorm HDbaseT system. This involved configuring the system to recognise and control the new screen along with the existing ones via the iPad interface.

Testing and Optimisation: Comprehensive testing was conducted to ensure the new screen functioned flawlessly with the existing system. Adjustments were made to optimise the visual output and synchronisation across all screens.

Training and Support: Additional training was provided to Steelers Sports Bar staff to ensure they could easily control the new setup. Ongoing support was also arranged to handle any technical issues that might arise.

Steelers Bar

By partnering with LCD Showcase, Steelers Sports Bar continues to set the standard for sports viewing experiences in Sheffield, ensuring they remain a top destination for sports fans.

Steelers Bar


The project was successfully completed, with Steelers Sports Bar now boasting an additional large format LED screen that seamlessly integrates with their existing setup. The new screen enhances the viewing experience for patrons, providing vibrant, high-quality visuals controlled easily through the existing WyreStorm HDbaseT system and iPad interface.

Feedback from customers has been overwhelmingly positive, with many noting the improved viewing options and enhanced overall atmosphere. By partnering with LCD Showcase, Steelers Sports Bar continues to set the standard for sports viewing experiences in Sheffield, ensuring they remain a top destination for sports fans.

This case study highlights the successful expansion and enhancement of Steelers Sports Bar’s display capabilities, demonstrating LCD Showcase's expertise in delivering high-quality, integrated display solutions.

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Why LCD Showcase?

An affordable, quality AV service provider who offer a full spectrum of solutions

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Receive comprehensive solutions from project planning and installation to after care and training tailored to your needs to ensure a successful project.
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You get a dedicated project manager who ensures your project is completed on time and within budget, ensuring your satisfaction with the entire process.
Competitive Pricing
As audio visual manufacturers we offer the best value for your money. Our price guarantee ensures we beat any competitor for any like for like quotation.
Dedicated Experience Centre
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